Our introduction to the clinic comprised an orientation to Hesed House by Ryan Dowd, Executive Director of Hesed House, and a walk-through of the Resource Center, including the space where the clinic for Aunt Martha’s Health Center and our legal clinic will be housed. Ryan began the orientation with an introduction to the issue of homelessness, which was eye-opening for me. I was surprised to learn that only 8% of the homeless population is chronically homeless and essentially unemployable. My image of a homeless person is that of an unwashed, poorly-dressed person walking around urban streets, pushing a shopping cart, picking through garbage cans and dumpsters, and mumbling to himself. While I recognize this as a stereotype, I have not equipped myself with any tools to change my perceptions, perhaps because the problem of homelessness does not animate me in the way that other issues move me. I saw homelessness as a problem that exists within our system of institutionalized inequal...